- Available on DTEN Orbit portal, then on Zoom portal approximately 5-7 days later
- DTEN D7 55" v2 and 75” should be powered on and connected to a stable and open or Zoom whitelisted network without a firewall (ethernet preferred). For information, click here
- Available on DTEN Orbit portal, then on Zoom portal approximately 5-7 days later
- The update will not start if the device is engaged in a meeting or calendar event.
- The update takes approximately 30-45 minutes; DTEN D7 will automatically restart.
- Do not disconnect or power off during the update.
- Enhanced Security with Lock Device Dashboard – Users can now secure the device dashboard at both the tenant and individual device levels through DTEN Orbit, providing greater control and protection over configuration settings across multiple devices. How To Guide
- RS232 Control for Enabling/Disabling the Touch-Screen-to-Wakeup on D7
- When the device is in digital signage mode or connected to HDMI, it will enter sleep mode during non-working hours
- Minor bug fixes.
Known Issue
- Single-screen systems may experience high CPU usage when Smart Framing is enabled, occasionally resulting in stuttering during meetings. Users can restart the Zoom meetings using manual and auto-framing instead of Smart Framing.
- When the device is upgraded from earlier to the current, the camera or mic may not be selected by default, and "Default source not available" shows in red font, but the regular meeting is not affected. Users need to manually select the default camera and microphone.
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