Zoom KB Article: Using ZDM with Windows devices:
1. Go into the Windows Admin account (Choose ZoomAdmin)
- Plug in a keyboard onto the PC's blue USB port (the top left port)
- Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and you will see the following screen
- Click Sign Out
- You will see be brought the Windows lock screen
The password for the account is:
ZoomAdmin (access to the PC) - Zoom1234
2. Go to Access work or school. This should show you that the unit is already enrolled to zdm@zoom.us. Disconnect from zdm@zoom.us
3. Open a browser and go to https://zoom.us/mdm/certificate/management#/win-enroll-support or the Device Management tab in your Zoom.us Account
4. Click on the Windows tab followed by clicking on the Click here link for Windows 1607
4. Copy the URL from above or enter https://gozdm.zoom.us/win?ver=1607 (Alternatively use https://zdm.zoom.us/win?ver=1607 if your account shows this) into the browser of your DTEN device and hit enter
5. Use the access code on this page, copy it into the browser and select Enroll
6. Once done, click on Open Microsoft Account, enter zdm@zoom.us and press Next
7. Enter https://gozdm.zoom.us/microsoft/discovery (Alternatively use https://zdm.zoom.us/microsoft/discovery or https://us02zdm.zoom.us/microsoft/discovery if your account shows this) in the URL field and press Next
Please note: If your device doesn't enroll after step 7., you will see the following Window in which you have to enter the MDM URL https://gozdm.zoom.us/microsoft/discovery, https://zdm.zoom.us/microsoft/discovery or https://us02zdm.zoom.us/microsoft/discovery and click Next
Your device should now be enrolled and can be managed in the ZDM (Zoom Device Management)
If you have additional questions or need to contact DTEN Support, please refer to this DTEN Knowledge Base article for more details: HERE.
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